Tonya Price

Consultant, Tonya Price Consulting, LLC

Tonya Price is the owner of Tonya Price Consulting. She has an MBA from Cornell University in Marketing and Finance and more than 15 years experience managing start-up Technical Support, Marketing and Web Development teams (usually at the same time.) In 1996 she founded the Web design firm which was later acquired by UltraNet Communications and became their Web development division. She has managed Web divisions for mid-size and small business firms and is the former Director of Marketing and Web Services for Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Tonya is an ardent supporter of Web Project Management as an important field of study and is on a mission to help the field achieve the recognition it deserves. As a former Project Management Professional (former PMP) she is active in a number of on-line marketing and Web Project Management forums. She teaches on-line courses at and and creates customized Web Project Management training for in-house and agency teams. In addition, she mentors new Web Project Managers as they make the adjustment to this great career and assists Web teams in improving their Web Project Management processes in an effort to make Web team burnout a thing of the past.

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