Nancy Lyons

CEO, Clockwork Active Media

Nancy works at the intersection of technology, community, and people. As a leader and technologist, she creates solutions that further community and business goals by meeting the needs of individuals. Her guiding philosophy is that a human-centered approach to technology is the only way to get results that make a difference. Problem solving is about empowerment: motivated people create good products. Nancy supports clients and teams by fostering a collaborative, idea-driven culture that nurtures creativity and brainpower.

She speaks extensively about work culture, social media, technology, and leadership and has been locally and nationally recognized for her role as owner and CEO of Clockwork. She’s co-author of Interactive Project Management: Pixels, People, and Process (New Riders, 2012), serves on the National Board of Directors at The Family Equality Council, is a founding board member of Upper Mississippi Academy and is a Project Skyway Captain & mentor at Project Skyway.

Embracing Chaos: An Interactive Project Management Survival Guide